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janak-libraryThe library is a place where the students can gain extra information besides text books. Text books and class room lectures is not wide enough to acquire knowledge for this, the library provides fully support to encourage the skill of the learners. The library is the main modern attraction which play significant role to gain the knowledge of needs.

We have good educational environment in the library. Sufficient books, journals, magazines, cassettes players are stacked in the library room which are provided by the government and non governmental organization. Students can gain more essential information from the library sections. Neat and clean environment of the library encourage the students to gain more knowledge of current affairs.The Libraries have a wide range of books to meet the demands of every age group and taste which are being provided by Room To Read organization.


Students are encouraged to visit to the science laboratories to get a first hand experience of the things taught in class. Teachers who teach science are fully devoted to make science classes interesting and lively by showing and demonstrating experiments taken from real life.The students are fully encouraged for the active participation in exploring the world of science around them. Science exhibitions are held at regular intervals to give the students an opportunity to display their

Information technology is the modern attraction and needs. To provide computer education on the basis of the changing time is our ambition thus computer classes are running systematically with the help of computer laboratories. We have a large computer lab full of modern computers. The students are daily taken in the computer lab for practice. This lab is designed properly. The students can gain sound environment for learning computers.This is the age of the computer; no one can be a skill human resource without having the knowledge of computer, so this institution has given the top most priority to quench the thirst of the learners in the field of computer education. Our main motto is to produce healthy citizens having good commands in the field of computer education. Many more computer programs are managed with proper accommodation such as Word Processing, Databases, Spreadsheet, Graphical Presentation, Internet and Electronic Mail and efficient in Operating System and Programming Logic & Techniques.

We have internet connection. Students are gaining the essential information about the world through internet facility. Internet facility is being provided to the students as well as to the teachers during school hour. Tab 3 content

Educational Excursion is also one of the essential parts to enhance the learner’s capacity. The students can gain many more information by visiting historical and archaeological places.

Every year we provide this golden opportunity to the students in educational excursion. We launched educational tour every year mainly in the winter. Students can gain extra knowledge through educational tour, so, we provide this opportunity to the students of Grade 8-12.