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It’s my pleasure to notify, all the individual concerned authorities and well-wishers about this educational institution. This school came into existence in the year 2015 with by the greatest effort made by innumerable personalities and social worker.
As a responsible person, I would like to connect all the well-wishers and educational personalities with this educational institution to take this temple on the summit of success. The main motto of this school is to provide quality education to the learners, to enhance the learning capacity to make sound and healthy environment, and to quench the educational thirst of the learners.
We have run two medium classes as per the intension of the guardians and well-wishers, English Medium classes are directly supporting to the learners, guardians who are being deprived of joining English medium education due to the poor economic status. We have achieved the desired result in the SLC examination. We are able to give 100% result in the SLC exam from English medium classes. We have shown our Excellency and healthy educational environment tackling with other neighboring private educational institutions. However this achievement is not enough for us. Our continual effort certainly will lead us towards the path of perfection.
My profound gratitude goes to the well-wishers and the renowned personality Surya Bhakta Adhikari who performed outstanding role for the establishment of this school. I would like to connect to all the educational personalities and well-wishers in the main stream of education for the sake of this educational institution and the society. It is only possible with the greatest continual effort by the well-wishers who are residing inside or foreign land. All of them are humbly requested to provide grant support providing economic fund or donation for the development of physical infrastructure.